Special Ops Training: Green Berets

Many men and women who enter the military dream of taking part in special operations units. These units use unconventional methods to carry out unique missions. Depending on which branch of the military the unit is located, specials ops training programs will vary. To become a Green Beret, the special forces of the U.S. Army, it will take wit, brawn, and discipline.


Green Beret Special Ops Training

Selection process

Prior to participating in the selection process most applications will have:

  • Earned a college degree and/or postgraduate degree
  • Mastered a second language
  • Been in the armed forces for at least three years

Special ops training workouts are designed to push potential soldiers to their physical and mental limits. Before they can take part in the training course, they must pass a physical exam selection course. Each potential Green Beret must pass with a minimum score of 260. It is recommended before you take the exam you can:

  • Finish a two mile run within 12-14 minutes
  • Do 100 sit-ups in two minutes or less
  • Complete 100 push-ups in two minutes or less

The rest of the initial exam will take place at Fort Bragg in North Carolina. The three-week course is split into two parts: physical training and teamwork ability. The tests will include:

  • Running
  • Swimming
  • Push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups

“Q” Course

After excelling at phase one of SFQC, Special Forces Qualification Course, during the initial selection process at Fort Bragg, some soldiers will enter the remaining five phases. Each is more excruciating than the following, which is why it’s recommended to participate in some special ops training for civilians workouts before attempting the programs.

SFQC Phase II-13 weeks:

  • Strong focus on individual skills
  • Training in Small Unit Tactics
  • Survival skills
  • Language and cultural training

SFQC Phase III-15 weeks:

  • Military occupational specialty code training (MOS)
  • Further language training
  • Common tasks training
  • Advanced technique special ops training
  • Interagency operations training

SFQC Phase IV-14 weeks:

  • Combative skills training
  • Continual language training for specialty assignments

SFQC Phase V-four weeks:

  • Collective training
  • Realistic unconventional warfare

SFQC Phase VI:

  • Graduation
  • Initial assignment


Shoot like a Green Beret

On top of possessing elite athletic skill, Green Berets are experts at their weapons. Lucky for you, you don’t have to complete special ops training workouts to fire a military grade, special ops weapon. At The Vegas Machine Gun Experience, a gun range near the Strip, you can handle:

  • 12 Gauge Pump Shotgun
  • M4 Machine Gun
  • AK47 Machine Gun
  • Glock 17 9MM Pistol

Book Your Special Ops Training Experience

Book your Special Ops training package online today. The Machine Gun Experience is an indoor gun range located right off the Strip. We’ll even pick you up!

About Author

Dianna Wyson